On the 31 July 2011, photographer Miki Kratsman, head of the photography department of the Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, learnt that he was the recipient of the EMET Prize for Art, Science and Culture awarded by the Prime Minister of Israel.  Kratsman expressed his surprise (http://www.haaretz.co.il/hasite/spages/1239559.html): “when a minister like Liebermann is in office, and people understand his logic and do not go out to the streets and protest against the horrible things he does, I am awarded with a prize”.  There is, indeed, a sharp opposition between the brutality and ruthlessness of the current Israeli government, Kratsmans’ bold interventions into the seemingly stable status quo, and the decision to award him a with prize.  In a long …

From our special series

Democracies Under Siege

Politics at/from the Periphery

COVID-19: Politics in a Pandemic

