The Oxford University Politics Blog is about engaging with a wider community, one outside of Oxford, and outside of the academy.  We therefore encourage all comments providing that they are polite and respectful. Disagreement is fine, to be expected, and a necessary feature of an academic life, but in this forum disagreement should written tastefully and responsibly.

We aim to foster an online forum where anyone feels comfortable to express his or her ideas. To that end we will exercise a degree of editorial control over comments.  We operate zero tolerance towards defamatory, libellous or abusive comments, or any that could be interpreted in this way.

Comments will be moderated by the editorial team and may be removed if deemed necessary. We may lock some contributions so that no further comments can be made: we will only do this when our oversight committee believes it is absolutely necessary.

Any complaints, questions and so on concerning the comments policy, including individual examples of moderation, can be sent – in confidence – to the editors using the online contact form.