Political Remittances and Political Transnationalism: Narratives, Political Practices and the Role of the State
On 19 and 20 June 2017, the conference “Political Remittances and Political Transnationalism: Narratives, Political Practices and the Role of the State” gathered together an international group of researchers to Nuffield College, Oxford University, to share perspectives on the political impact of migrants and migration. The conference was convened by Lea Müller-Funk, visiting OxPo Fellow at Oxford University from Sciences Po, Paris, and Félix Krawatzek, British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Oxford’s Department of Politics and International Relations (DPIR) and Research Fellow at Nuffield College. The intention of the workshop was to connect migration scholars across various disciplines including history, anthropology, political science and linguistics around a discussion of the conceptual value of the term “political remittances” as …