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Dr. Luara Ferracioli obtained a PhD in Philosophy at the Australian National University in 2012. Before joining the University of Amsterdam, she was a posdoctoral fellow at Oxford (Dep. of Politics and IR) and Princeton (Woodrow Wilson School).
Her research and teaching interests include global justice, feminist theory, the ethics of immigration and the ethics of parenting and procreation.
From January 2015 until December 2018, Dr Ferracioli will be working on the ethics of the refugee protection regime as part of a NWO Veni Grant entitled: Asylum Theory for a Non-Ideal World.

Last year was an extremely positive year for Brazilians. To begin with, Brazil overtook the United Kingdom and became the sixth largest world economy. Such growth came hand in hand with a continuing decrease in poverty and income inequality, and the strengthening of social policies by the recently elected president Dilma Rousseff (Workers Party). While her predecessor, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, sought to eradicate famine during his two terms in government, Dilma’s chief social ambition is to combat and eradicate extreme poverty. In line with her government slogan, “A Wealthy Country is a Country Without Poverty,” Dilma’s government transferred £5,8 billion to poor families in its first year in office. Apart from continuing progress in social policies, 2011 was …